A' Sireadh Cànan Dùthchasach anns an Tasglann Nàiseanta Fiolm an RA
Bidh tasglannan fiolm nàiseanta a' toirt sealladh iongantach, laghach, mi-chofhurtail agus àbhaisteach de dhòigh-beatha luchd-labhairt mion-chànain air feadh an Rìoghachd Aonaichte.
Written by Jo Reid | Translated by Kirsty Macdonald

Searching for Indigenous Languages in the UK National Film Archives
National film archives contain many fascinating, frustrating, charming, and ordinary glimpses into the lives of minority language speakers from across the United Kingdom.
Written by Jo Reid | Translated by Kirsty Macdonald

Explore more: FAODAIL | FOUND
Up until as late as 1979, very little, if any, publicly disseminated moving image created in or about the Outer Hebrides was made from anything other than an outsiders’ perspective.

Explore more: National Library of Scotland
Explore the Gaelic resources found in the National Library of Scotland